Take heart, dear Virgo. 2018 has cosmic influences that bring out your best: the work ethic, the desire to serve and the need to make a practical and lasting contribution. Despite being maniacally busy at work, conditions in your love life can really improve. Several planets shift out of dramatic Fire signs into pragmatic Earth signs, of which your sign Virgo is one. This helps you feel more grounded, productive and even ambitious. Slower planets in Earth signs give you a platform of support that is stable and lasts for several years. These are optimal conditions for Virgo, as your meticulous and research-based methods are both noticed and rewarded. The powers-that-be are willing to be patient while you develop those long-term projects, meaning you can really dig in to your work whatever that happens to be. Let’s take a look at the various influences.

The year starts off with six planets in your Solar House of Children and Creativity. If you want to have a baby, the clock is ticking ever louder. There’s a sense of urgency, a feeling of “now or never” (which may or may not be true depending upon your age and other circumstances). If you already have children, or if your creative projects are your children, you’re taking them more seriously than ever before. There may be demands, difficult duties or obligations associated with them or their care. This influence extends far beyond January, because Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility and Effort, is one of the planets moving through this area of your horoscope. He’ll be there until 2020, stabilizing and perhaps in some way restricting matters there. However, it also shows how much focus and commitment you dedicate to your children or creative output. This is not a particularly good time to take gambles, but your practical common sense will dictate that to you.

Relationship matters have been rather murky for the past couple years, so you’ll be glad to learn that things flow more smoothly in that department now. A third party steps in to help clear things up, and you learn to live with the fact that you can’t know every single thing about your partner. If things seem out of whack, remember, you’re neither a fairy princess or a doormat. Scale down or get up, as needed, and triangulate your thought processes about the situation. Because you’re so modest, you often don’t speak up when something’s wrong. Ask yourself, would a “normal” person put up with this? You have more courage now to do what’s needed to address and improve things in your relationships. If you are a Virgo who is looking for love, ask a sibling to set you up with someone, and pay more attention in your daily meanderings. You might meet a boy from the hood you’ve never seen or don’t remember. All the more reason to think globally but shop locally!

Remember, though, that the demands of your job could interfere with your romantic inclinations. This is particularly true from May through November, when Action Planet Mars moves through that Solar Sixth House, including a retrograde period from June 26 – August 27 that could be particularly intense. Conditions are changing at work and it’s stressful. Not everyone adapts well, contentions arise, and it all seems quite out of your control. With your high strung nervous system, do not let work make you ill. Stick to your diet plan, exercise regimen and self-care practices. Get plenty of sleep, and if you can’t sleep, do conscious relaxation. Give yourself a decompression period after work so you don’t bring it home. Use technology wisely.

As a Child of Mercury, it’s beneficial to know when that little planet will be going retrograde this year, and how it might affect you.

  • From March 22 – April 15, Mercury will be retrograde in your Solar Eighth House of Joint Resources. Perhaps you’ll get a tax refund now, or be busy gathering documents to file on Tax Day.
  • The next period is from July 25 – August 18 in your Solar Second House of Money, and notice this occurs right in the middle of the intense work period mentioned above. Will you have to renegotiate your wage, or, heaven forbid, take a pay cut? Mercury retrograde provides the opportunity for some back-and-forth, so use that to your advantage.
  • The final episode of Mercury Retrograde in 2018 is from November 16 – December 6, highlighting your home and family. It’s a good time for reunions. Why not gather everyone at your place for Thanksgiving this year? Plan well in advance to help avoid snafus.

With hard work and a little help from your friends, 2018 can turn out to be a well-deserved pleasant, busy and romantic time for you, Virgo! Remember your gratitude journal, and enjoy it.
By Linea Van Horn