It’s 2019, and the Aquarians are all right. Except there is that pesky co-ruler of yours, Uranus, dancing around in your solar third house, activating your brain at all hours of the day and night, giving you restless leg syndrome and making you a bit of an insomniac. But otherwise, it’s all good, right?

Well, and then there’s Neptune in Pisces in your solar second house of money, which may be why you’ve become such a sob-story magnet lately. Your financial adviser keeps telling you that your compassion is writing checks that your body can’t cash. But that’s OK, you’ll just earn more money somehow.

Oh, yeah, there’s also your other co-ruler, Saturn, who’s been dawdling, since late 2017, in Capricorn, the earth sign he rules, in your solar 12th house. Some dare say that Saturn is in his joy there, but does that word describe how you feel? With all the suffering on the planet, and in the lives of those you truly care about, has joy become a three-letter word?

You excel in rising out of challenging circumstances but you’re suddenly aware of a grittiness and grimness to life that you’ve somehow managed to steer clear of up until now. You have a knack for succeeding, creating a nice home, garnering a solid paycheck and scooping up professional accolades, but you lately may be suffering from an “imposter syndrome”—pangs of guilt at the successes you’ve celebrated. Perhaps you worry you didn’t come by your promotion or accomplishments honestly. After all, it may have been a group effort, but you got all the credit for it. Or the effort looked hard but it was actually easy to achieve.

Since late 2017, you may feel like you’re being tailed by ghosts. It’s a spooky feeling. And you just can’t put your finger on the cause.

You’ll have some help this year learning how to navigate this perilous territory in the form of four eclipses that involve your solar 12th house. While eclipses aren’t really helpful by nature, their effects tend to cause enough upset and disorientation that you may be forced to rely upon your intuition, which is a gift unto itself.

The first solar eclipse comes on Jan. 5 in the sign of Capricorn. You’ll also have a lineup of five planets congregating in your solar 12th house, the house of the soul. This is the home of secret enemies (such as the thief who grabbed your Amazon delivery on the front porch), bad habits that can lead to self-undoing (has that little glass of sherry before bed turned into a quart of vodka from the time you come home from work?), and close encounters with society’s outcasts (there but for the grace of God go you or I).

The 12th house is also about retreating, going off on your own to be alone with your thoughts and reflect on your condition. You may well need downtime, but by taking it, will it cause you to sink further into the abyss? That’s how the 12th house befuddles us. We attempt to alleviate our pain and suffering, but the cure sometimes creates new problems. And who knows, maybe these new problems will lead you to your guru, who will guide you through your existential angst. As you can see, the 12th house has more twists and turns that a carnival fun house.

A second eclipse occurs two weeks later, on Jan. 14, thankfully, not in your solar 12th but on the cusp of your seventh. As the final eclipse of the Leo/Aquarius eclipse series that began February 2017, these celestial events have brought the state of your marriage and business partnerships up for examination. Eclipses are about blind-spots, and this one harkens back to an unresolved partnership issue from last summer. Your partner may feel that he or she is on the outs and may be wavering. It begs the question: Who calls the shots in this relationship? Your partner likes to think he or she does, but you get to have the final word on Jan. 14.

Also in January, you may feel a surge of excitement when your co-ruler, Uranus, comes out of retrograde on Jan.7. The planet of “what you don’t see coming” is in the final degrees of Aries, where it has been upsetting your apple cart on a regular basis since 2011. You may have experienced ups and down with siblings and neighbors, and your basic communication style may have been rewired. Your embrace of technology may be such that you shorted out a few brain cells attempting to monitor all your social media channels. While Uranus’s days are numbered in this sign, don’t expect his departure to be without fanfare. Action-oriented Mars is also in Aries and will be adding his drive and passion to the affairs of this house, especially on Jan. 22, when Mars squares your co-ruler, Saturn. Maybe a defiant brother or sister is acting out making it necessary for you to play the authority figure, or vice versa. But use caution, because Mars in his own sign can be volatile and easily riled. Words said at this time cannot be taken back, and if he feels justified, Mars can end relationships by cutting people out of his life.

The next date to watch for is March 6, when Uranus finally crosses over from Aries into Taurus. You had a little taste of what to expect from this transit when Uranus dipped his toe into the sign last year, from May to November. After spending seven years in fiery Aries, Uranus’s shift into a fixed earth sign, and more importantly into your solar fourth house, will have a profound effect on your homelife through 2026!

This will be a challenging transit for fixed signs such as yours. Your home represents your peaceful refuge, a place for coziness and togetherness. You like to be surrounded by land and enjoy a house filled with tasteful furnishings and art. If something happens to your beloved Tara, if you lose it or have it taken from you, you, like Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, will spend the rest of your days trying to reclaim or re-create it.

So prepare yourself, Aquarius, because your homelife will be anything but tranquil in the coming year. Expect it to come alive with excitement, thrills, chills, surprise twists regarding your family tree, new relations popping up in your life thanks to advanced DNA testing, innovative living arrangements, your parents moving in with you or you with them, ongoing home renovations, relocations, roommates, living in an RV or on a commune, moving to the country (or to the city, if that’s unusual for you).

It’s not easy for you to imagine being without roots, and you may try desperately to cling to what you’ve got. The first few years of this transit will require a great deal of courage and resiliency. But you will learn a new definition for home and for belonging. And neither will ever be taken from you again.

On April 30, Saturn goes retrograde (or appears to move backward in the sky) until Sept. 19. Saturn, in essence, “goes to sleep” and the feeling of being haunted may fade to some degree. If you’ve been depressed or isolated for the first quarter of the year, you can expect to feel more plugged in and a part of life.

Not only is Saturn standing down, but this year, you are blessed with Jupiter in your solar house of friendship. Jupiter’s job is to connect us with our higher purposes. You may find a group of well-connected friends who can assist with humanitarian goals and supporting organizations that tackle societal ills. At least one such friend is set to mentor you and can bring wealth and opportunities to support your aspirations. Look for this larger-than-life person to enter your life before December.

A solar eclipse on July 2 touches your solar house of work, health and service. A change may be needed in your daily schedule to allow you to take care of yourself and possibly others at the workplace. Your health and well-being come into focus with this eclipse. If you’re not feeling great and your energy is low, it wouldn’t hurt to visit your physician for a quick physical.

A lunar eclipse two weeks later (on July 16) in Capricorn looks back on the events of the previous January and asks a spiritually probing question: Is your soul on shaky ground? We get it, you’re busy. You’re the Energizer Bunny. Not only are you engrossed with career matters, gyrations at home and relationship drama, but you may be feeling the occasional shiver run down your spine and you don’t know why. The externalized challenges in your life are just that, outside yourself and you’ll power through those. But now you’re sensing the part of you that can only be described as your soul, and it could be a first for you. It could also prove to be too much for you as the soul acts like a sponge absorbing influences of everything around us, good and bad. As such, it sometimes just feels good to escape, whether by imbibing and doing too much of a good thing, or by isolating yourself.

Both eclipses in July guide you toward the Aquarius humanitarian mission by first directing you to take care of yourself. For how can you be of service others, if you yourself are experiencing the dark night of the soul? Now might be a good time for you to be Googling “shaman” or minister or counselor, however you roll.

On Aug. 12, things settle down at home when Uranus goes retrograde in your solar 4th house until next Jan. 11. Uranus will either have a less pronounced effect or else behave more strangely than it did since the first of the year. Now’s a good time to patch the ceiling where the plaster may have come down or look in on parents to see how they’re faring (note: don’t be too surprised if they’re living on a sailboat in Croatia).

As fall rolls around, you’ll feel more planetary support thanks to a series of Virgo trines to your co-rulers in Capricorn and Taurus. Long-hoped for financing from partners and investments finally starts trickling in, giving you some “green energy” with which to move forward on joint projects, especially after Saturn comes out of retrograde and goes direct on Sept. 19.

On Oct. 27, another square to Saturn from Mars, now in Libra, might involve upsets with published works, long-distance travel and pending litigation. Even should you emerge victorious, which you probably will, thanks to Saturn in your 12th, you can’t help but wonder who has got it in for you.

As if in answer to a prayer (you may have taken up praying this year!), Jupiter enters Capricorn on Dec. 2 where it will stay for the next 12 months. Here, it can either rescue you from your own worst tendencies or amplify them a hundredfold. Your escapist tendencies could go into overdrive while Jupiter motivates you to look for salvation “anywhere but here.”

Jupiter even plays a starring role with the Sun and Moon for the Christmas Day solar eclipse, perhaps letting you know that finding your life purpose is your new mission. Jupiter will either be the guru who helps you build a stairway to heaven or the white rabbit who leads you down a rabbit hole (and back) in 2020. You want to check back here then to see how that plays out.

By Jerre Wroble