As an air sign ruled by Venus, Librans invite harmony and cooperation into their lives through partnerships. However, after an eight-year-long herky-jerky carnival ride with your significant others, you might seriously be wondering about the harmony and cooperation part.

The good news: Relief is on its way in 2019.

Since 2010, when Uranus – the planet of revolution and change – swooped into your solar house of marriage, your close relationships have tended to be with those who had one foot in the door and one foot out. Over those years, partnerships have brought excitement, insight, turmoil and, oddly enough, independence for you and your partner.

If your partner(s) have flown the coop in that time, you may lament the ones who got away or those who didn’t love you in return. But have you ever thought it was you who didn’t fully invite your partner to put both feet inside your door? If someone was playing hard to get, it could have been you, dear Reader.

Relationships may be Libra’s stock in trade, but there is another area of your life demanding more of your attention, especially in the past year. That would be your homelife: your physical home, your parents and your roots. These concerns will become even more important in 2019.

Perhaps you began updating your home in late 2017, and it has slowly become a money pit. You may have envisioned adding a few nice touches, then learned there’s a crack in the foundation, then discovered termites! It’s always something and often expensive to fix.

If not a remodel, you could be down in the dumps because a buying or renting a home is simply out of reach for you. Housing costs are skyrocketing in many U.S. cities; some find they must move in with family members or seek out roommates, who often are not the most financially stable themselves.

There could also be a parent (particularly your father) who is struggling financially or in ill health. It’s never easy to see a parent not fare well, and even more so when they do not accept help easily.

You may have found long-lost relatives during this time and are trying to include them in your family traditions. It’s not easy when there’s an undercurrent of resentment on their part at having been left out all these years.

You can thank the old taskmaster, Saturn, for giving you grief in the “hearth and home” department since late 2017. Saturn spends two to three years in a sign, so in 2019, the planet will be about halfway through its visit to your solar house of homelife.

In a way, this is good news for you. During the first half of the time Saturn spends in a sign, he tests and tears down structures that are past their prime. But during the second half of his visit, the rebuilding phase begins.

Saturn is ever frugal, and it may be necessary for you to avoid overspending on the flourishes. Or you may have to undertake some – or all – of the work yourself. Don’t worry, there are fix-it videos on You Tube!

Sometimes, certain situations cannot be salvaged. You might need to move, and/or your parents might need a fresh start. While a relocation may not feel like a step up at first, trust that Saturn always leaves a house in better shape than it was when he arrived. When does this old curmudgeon of a “house guest” leave, you ask? Not completely until December 2020, so prepare yourself for a slow and methodical process.

Saturn’s influence will be bolstered by a series of eclipses, ushering in changes to your homelife and professional standing. The first solar eclipse of 2019 takes place on Jan. 5, in the sign of Capricorn, underscoring for Librans their homelife challenges.

At the time of the eclipse, your Ruling Planet, Venus, trines the North Node and the asteroid Chiron, each in a different water sign. It stands to reason that this eclipse will trigger emotions for you. A wrinkle concerning your job or health could crop up right now, but thanks to your earning ability and your professional standing, you will emerge victorious over the next 12 months.

Also, in early 2019, Uranus is in the final few degrees of Aries and about to depart your solar house of marriage. The ruler of the house, Mars, has just shown up in the same sign, ready to take on all comers. Mars is action-oriented and known for cutting worn-out ties but also for fighting for what it wants. It will be a test of your Libran mettle to wrangle this restless, independent energy in your relationships. But it’s like the old Sting song: “If you love somebody, set them free.”

A lunar eclipse on Jan. 20 highlights your circle of friends and like-minded community members. A plan or project, perhaps one with kids in mind that seemed like a sure thing six months ago, might be on shaky ground. Your Ruling Planet, Venus, squares Neptune at the time of the eclipse, hinting that you may have invited a wishful thinker into your life, someone who isn’t able to actually deliver. Worse yet, he or she may be misleading you. As with most eclipses, there’s something going on that you can’t see, try as you will. It will all shake out in time but be cautious and have a contingency plan in place, especially in the realm of service projects.

January isn’t all hard stuff. Your Ruling Planet is traveling through the happy-go-lucky sign of Sagittarius from Jan. 8 through Feb. 3. It’s a time when you could attract invitations to travel or receive visitors from afar who provide a broader view of the world. On the heels of the lunar eclipse comes a most fortuitous transit: Venus conjoins Jupiter, the planet of higher purpose, on Jan. 22, bringing the two “benefics” of the zodiac together if only for a moment. Perhaps it’s time for a gathering or dinner party to celebrate wise old friends and world travelers in your life.

Meanwhile, things start heating up with your significant other. Even if you thought your relationship had run its course, don’t expect it to go gentle into that good night. Take special care just before and on Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14), when Mars conjoins Uranus in the final degree of Aries. Your partner may give you an ultimatum, be spoiling for a fight or demonstrate more desire and passion than you’ve seen in ages.

By March 6, things settle down when Uranus moves into earthy Taurus, a fellow Venus-ruled sign. While more grounded in Taurus, Uranus’ long-term stay in your solar house of “other people’s money” will begin to unleash unpredictable upsets related to your partner’s assets and earning ability, stock-market portfolios, estate matters and insurance claims. Don’t be surprised if those affairs wildly fluctuate in the coming years.

You can catch your breath from March 27 through April 20, when Venus travels through the water sign of Pisces – the sign of her exaltation. It’s a time when your love of fine arts, glamor and style fuses with social connections, often cultivated through your job, health and fitness groups and volunteer work.

Beware of spring flings from April 21 through May 15, when Venus is in her detriment traveling through Aries. Your focus will be upon your partner, and it’s easy to lose yourself in the process. You can easily fall in love with love right now and wake up to the painful reality that your romance was not a two-way street.

Your Ruling Planet conjoins Uranus as it settles in to its new sign of Taurus on May 18, yielding another blast of excitement. Even though your relationship matters have mostly resolved, there are still a few aftershocks, especially regarding joint finances. Also, you might be made privy to unusual investment opportunities at this time.

A total solar eclipse on July 2 brings unexpected professional changes. Perhaps while you are vacationing or taking a university class, a regime change takes place at work. In theory, it doesn’t directly affect you. Yet, whether you’ll want to throw your lot in with these new leaders remains to be seen. Do they deserve your talents? Time will tell.

Two weeks later, a July 16 lunar eclipse reminds you that you’re not yet finished with the demands of your homelife. You may be more interested in focusing on your career, and perhaps it’s critical that you do. Yet, you feel a great responsibility for what’s going on at home.

The purpose of these transits is not to riddle you with guilt and inadequacy but to help you develop a deep appreciation for your roots, where you come from, who you belong to, who belongs to you. The blind spots symbolized by the eclipses are akin to the mystery of family origins. We used to have to rely on the tall tales our parents and grandparents told but nowadays there are family-tree companies like and DNA testing firms that can add more insight and even introduce new relatives.

Our roots give us the ability to stand tall in the world and share our gifts. That’s why you’ll experience this series of eclipses not only in your homelife but also as they relate to your professional standing in the world. They are opposite sides of the same coin.

You could feel cloistered from the social scene and possibly buried in busy work from Aug. 22 through Sept. 14, but that lull in the action helps you get ready to celebrate your innate Venusian prowess from Sept. 15 thru Oct 8. That’s when Venus returns to your sign, bestowing upon you the ultimate power of attraction. It’s your time to invite the perfect partner, boss and home base into your life, so give it a shot.

The final eclipse of the year takes place on Christmas Day, once again zeroing in on homelife. Up until now, Saturn has made this area of your life a source of worry and hard work. But now, a new player has joined the fray: Jupiter is in Capricorn and will travel through your solar house of homelife over much of the next year.

As a benefic, Jupiter helps elevate your perspective, keeps you optimistic and provide resources to get the job done. It could be time to sell your home and use the proceeds to see the world! Or build another room in your home for your favorite world traveler to stay in when he or she is in town.

2019 saw both Uranus and then Jupiter enter earth signs, giving you a respite from all the intense excitement of fire signs. It will now be far easier to invite harmony and cooperation into your life, especially when it comes to making home improvements and finding unique methods of paying for them. You’ll need to check back here a year from now to see what 2020 has in store for you and your dream home.

By Jerre Wroble