For a mutable water sign oozing with talent (and often beauty and fame, think: Rhianna, Justin Bieber, Josh Groban, Liz Taylor and Daniel Craig, just to name a few Big Fishes), it may seem perplexing that you grapple with a sense of inadequacy for so much of the time.

Maybe one explanation is that your two rulers, Neptune and Jupiter, are storm gods. With Neptune ruling over hurricanes and Jupiter in charge of tempests, your imagination runs wild at times and you pick up on the turmoil and suffering that often surround you.

Your daydreams take precedence over reality any day. As such, many Pisceans need to be regularly convinced that their presence on the planet and their contributions matter.

You also want so much to belong. If you haven’t found your school of fish, you feel incomplete. Emotional circulation is your jam. And perhaps your biggest challenge is to forgive yourself and others and let go of anger, pain and grief so you can move on.

In 2011, Neptune entered your sign of Pisces, the sign he rules, where he’ll be until 2026 (a little over 14 years!). The year 2011 was also when a more diminutive (but no less potent) asteroid moved into Pisces: Chiron, aka the wounded healer. Having both in your solar first house has amounted to an ongoing meltdown of sorts and may have triggered a very deep and personal healing crisis for you.

Neptune, as an outer planet that cannot be seen by the naked eye, has seeped through your first house ever so slowly, just a few degrees each year. As of 2019, Neptune is only about half-way through your solar first house, where it has slowly dissolved what you thought was your identity and altered your ability of normal self-expression.

Chiron travels faster than Neptune and, after seven years, has moved ahead of Neptune, clearing a path for Neptune to follow. The asteroid will soon be leaving your sign and, in fact, briefly moved into Aries from April to September of 2018. It then backtracked into Pisces but only until Feb. 17, 2019, when it will re-enter Aries for the long haul until 2027.

As such, you can expect a major shift in mid-February along with a potentially new healing journey.

In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur, half man/half beast. While most centaurs were considered wild and primal in their ways, Chiron was different, and because of that, he was highly revered as a teacher, botanist, astrologer and tutor. His experience as a healer and in dealing with his own grave injuries gave him insight into wounds and suffering, especially the kind from which people never heal.

As half man/half beast, there’s a dual nature to Chiron. His impact is not only on the physical body but on the spirit as well. Where Chiron shows up in our chart, we’re busily healing our feelings.

Chiron often brings chaos into our lives by foiling our best-laid plans. Only then do we experience our most negative emotions, endure them, heal them and eventually resurrect ourselves to a new way of life. In fact, some healers theorize that blocked emotions are the cause of all illness and physical suffering. Whether true or not, if you find that you are experiencing unpleasant emotions, consider the healing implications. See what the emotions bring to light. It’s not a pleasant journey, nor is it an easy one, but it’s how we transcend pain and suffering.

For the past seven years while in your sign, Chiron has brought you in touch with issues of your identity, self-expression and asserting your needs. Maybe you think it is futile to ask for what you want because you never seem to get it. You might have felt invisible or unworthy. You might have even given in to darker thoughts that you don’t deserve to exist. You have to feel it to heal it.

Neptune has followed along behind with his own healing balm, offering spiritual insights of a non-physical nature. To truly be yourself or to get your needs met, Neptune might look for a sacrifice of some sort, or urge you to retreat. You may be viewing your ambition and drive as negatives, something to let go of. Or you may have drifted more deeply into dreams, sleeping, recreationals, video games, TV binge-watching, a spiritual practice, and even your own work if it puts you in touch with something otherworldly.

For those fish trapped in the “aquariums” of day jobs and even professions, the recent years have taken their toll. You might have walked away from jobs and careers, especially if they required you to “sell out” or be super competitive.

Now, as Chiron enters Aries, the lesson of self-assertion carries over from your solar first house. But feelings of anger and even rage could rise to the surface. You could be put in a position of trying to prove something, needing to win and even to fight.

With Chiron entering your second solar house, a healing crisis around money might show up. You could begin to delve into those unpleasant emotions about not being able to make it in this world, that all you’ll ever do is earn enough to pay bills, and that you’re hopelessly kenneled in a dog-eat-dog world. Even your approach to masculinity (regardless of your gender) could be up for examination. In the coming seven years, as you heal your money wounds, you’ll be resurrecting a new sense of financial values and the ability to carve out a financial future for yourself.

But enough on that. There’s some very good news for 2019 that regards your other co-ruler, Jupiter, entering its own sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 8, 2018, where it will remain until Dec. 2, 2019. It’s hard not to be doing handstands about this placement in your chart.

Jupiter in your solar 10th house, poised at the top of your chart, promises a year with ongoing opportunities as well as the people and resources you’ll need to make something of them. It gives you the ability to apply the many heavier grist-for-the-mill Neptune/Chiron lessons to your higher purpose in life. Not only that, but your optimism and faith in humanity will be restored when seed money for your projects and endeavors shows up.

This is the year when you get to rise from the doldrums of your Neptunian ennui. Try not to turn up your nose at your lucky breaks, saying, “Naw, it’s not what I want.” You may have gotten used to living at the just getting by level, but Jupiter is saying you can turn it around.

Jupiter’s horizon-broadening influence will be especially strong before it goes retrograde on April 11 and again, for the period after it goes direct, from Aug 12 to Dec. 2. And even in retrograde, Jupiter lends you protection and confidence in your professional status. When Jupiter moves backward, use it as time to revisit areas of opportunity you weren’t ready to see at first.

You can also expect some relief from Neptune’s “undertow” effect during Neptune’s retrograde from June 22 through Nov. 28. Your co-ruler’s down time is just what you need to make the most of the planetary support from planets in supportive earth signs.

In particular, Saturn (known for his stern grasp on reality) forms three sextiles to Neptune on Jan. 31, June 18 and Nov. 8. While more a taskmaster than cheerleader, Saturn can help you to become more disciplined. This results in acquiring the resources you need to make your dreams come true while salting away earnings so that you can make them last. These three Saturn/Neptune sextiles are incredibly productive and profitable times for you.

With your co-rulers each in their respective signs this year, you will undoubtedly pull out all the stops. But both planets can also get carried away with themselves, especially Jupiter, being so high in your solar chart and Neptune tugging on your solar ascendant. They don’t always see eye to eye. As such, there may be times in 2019 to watch for when tensions arise between them.

Three squares from Jupiter to Neptune take place in 2019, on Jan. 13, June 16 and Sept. 21. These are times when your faith in a mentor or a professional philosophy might prove to be misplaced, causing you to end up with egg on your face. This could enable Neptune’s pessimism to creep in and take the wind out of your sails. As such, these are not the best days to gamble your nest egg in Las Vegas or to give up your worldly goods and follow a guru to India. For any big decisions on or near those days, seek a reality check from a trusted friend or family member.

Neptune receives a bucketful of trines in October and November, helping to shore up your self-confidence and allowing you to harvest the yields promised by Jupiter. You’ll have quite a bumper crop to show for yourself when Jupiter winds up his stay in Sagittarius on Dec. 2,.

This year you get to choose which world you want to live in: The land of make believe or the actual earth plane. Try choosing the latter. You may surprise yourself with how easy it is to gather all those thoughts, dreams, symbols and big ideas of yours and connect them with the world. You may find that living in the material world isn’t so bad after all.

By Jerre Wroble