Psst, between you and me, many a Scorpio rocked 2018. The fixed water signs known for their resolute will and stubborn grudges would be the last to tell you if they fared well, however a good many of you enjoyed good fortune, and perhaps broadened your horizons with one or more journeys to distant shores. When it comes to celebrating blessings and windfalls, Scorpios tend to keep a low profile. They don’t want to jinx their luck.

But if you want to “thank your luck,” Scorpio, thank Jupiter, the planet of protection and higher purpose, for giving you a larger sense of Self in 2018. The imperial giant passed through your sign from late 2017 to late 2018 and may have been the inspiration for renewing your passport to visit far-off shores or pursuing long-buried passions in an esoteric field of study.

Not only that, but slow-moving planets such as Saturn and your co ruler, Pluto – known to vex other signs – were able to support you turning your visions into reality. The goal, then, for 2019 is to make the most of the good things that came your way in 2018, and to avoid old habits and self-destructive patterns that undermine your success.

Speaking of Saturn, one positive skill you’ve likely begun embracing is honing your communication skills. Ever since Saturn entered Capricorn in late 2017, this strict taskmaster may have been holding your feet to the fire, or your hand to the laptop, forcing you to write, speak and otherwise impart know-how and skills in the form of technical manuals and guides. As a typically “late adopter” of all things digital, you may find that this transit forces you to utilize apps and social media, not as a frivolous time-waster, but as a means to connect with like-minded souls associated with your newfound passion or purpose.

Now with a North Node in your solar ninth house, you still feel the urge to see the world and seek new horizons. In 2018, there may have been professional upsets and/or concerns with home and family that kept you tethered in place. But in 2019, after the Jan. 20 lunar eclipse, you may start gaining clarity about the uncertainty that’s clouded your career path. Once that is resolved, you will be in position to further your travels or studies begun in 2018. In fact, certain journeys may be thrust upon you.

As 2019 kicks off, a quick glance at your solar chart shows that all your planets lie below the horizon. This means you’ll benefit from some time alone right now. Do you notice you have a different persona when you’re around others as opposed to when you are alone? Now’s the time to get to know that “home alone” identity.

Helping with the imperative to “know thyself” is your co-ruler, Mars, which has just returned to Aries, the sign he rules, in your solar sixth house. Mars is said to be in his “joy” in this house. This means, for the first six weeks of 2019, it is easier for you to be even-keeled and self-directed in your approach to work and service projects while embracing new routines for health and fitness.

As a Child of Mars, you need to be skilled in picking your battles, knowing when to be assertive and when to stand down. Even in conversation, being grounded enables you to respond in a thoughtful manner, rather than impulsively dismissing or debating those with differing opinions. As 2019 also happens to be a learning/educating year for you, and it’s only by interacting with others and considering their views that you better know yourself and what truly matters to you.

All this introspection will help you keep your head, which is important since the same may not be said of your partner. For those Scorpios with a significant other or a business partner, you may have noticed their restlessness or complaints that the coupling has become too same-same. The idea of freedom became more important to them.

One explanation for it is that Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, briefly traveled into your solar house of marriage from May to November of 2018.

Then, Uranus traveled backward (retrograde) out of your marriage house and sign, giving you a short reprieve. However, on March 6, 2019, Uranus will again return to the house of partnerships, and this time, it will remain there for the long haul, until 2026.

From mid-February on, your partner (and your approach to the partnership) will come alive with excitement, thrills, chills, bids for freedom, innovative arrangements, a change in the roles each of you plays in the partnership, upsets, breakups, make-ups, and possibly even dissolution.

And don’t be too surprised (or too proud) if your partner roars back once they realize “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” You will grow in patience and understanding through all of this but, initially, it could be befuddling.

It’s not easy for you to deal with impending relationship explosions 24/7, or the feeling of rejection, that you are somehow not enough for your partner. But the fact is, you both are going through this transit together. You may see it as your partner’s bid for freedom, but to a large degree, you need the space as well.

If you’re single and looking for a partner, prepare for some exciting Tinder dates! You can certainly find a brilliant mate during this transit, but it may be with someone who wants an unconventional arrangement. There is no reason to shy away from love or from the mutual benefit that comes from partnerships, but as a fixed sign, it might be necessary for you to “go with the flow” – not how you like things to go!

Financial affairs will come into finer focus Feb. 20-21. This is when your co-ruler, Mars, is traveling through Taurus, while your other ruler, Pluto, maintains his long-term residency in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, along with Saturn and Venus. The Moon in Virgo at this time gives you a “grand trine” in the earth element.

While grand trines are often celebrated in astrology, indicating you are firing on all cylinders, they also hint that extra protection is needed (and granted) at this time. Since Mars is in his detriment traveling through Taurus, this could mean your partner might need a financial bailout at this time.

Thankfully, you’re in a position to lend a hand (or a dollar), as Jupiter is spending a year in your solar house of money. As such, Jupiter is able to point out lucrative money-making opportunities for you. Mars also gets some extra “adulting” help from Saturn and Pluto in mid-March, which means it might be necessary for some tough love when it comes to handling your partner’s financial woes.

Things lighten up when Mars is in Gemini where it celebrates “brotherly love” from March 31 through May 15. You might connect with siblings in early April who seek your buy in on an investment, possibly in support of people in the arts. Ultimately, you may have to put on the brakes when Pluto goes retrograde on April 25 and your financial reserves tighten in early May. Pluto will be retrograde through Oct. 2.

On the heels of possibly letting down your sibs, you enter a period (from May 16 through July 1) when you simultaneously need to defend hearth and home while, at the same time, get some flak for doing so. That’s what happens when Mars is in its fall, in Cancer, opposing your co-ruler, Pluto, in Capricorn.

Imagine when a solider returns home from an unpopular war or conflict. Initially, there’s not a lot of thanks on the streets for a soldier putting his or her life on the line, yet you know in your heart of hearts that you needed to be there to make things at home more secure. You may have a larger view on the world, but it doesn’t make it any easier convincing the locals. There is a sense of destiny that connects you with your life purpose at this time, and this fervor may be off-putting to siblings and relatives.

On July 2, Mars enters Leo, a complementary fire sign and a stabilizing force that sustains your professional standing in the community through Aug. 17. However, just as Mars enters the sign, a solar eclipse takes place in your house of higher purpose. Alas, some of your best-laid plans that involve adventure, world travel and/or a return to university could be cast asunder, at least put on hold for the immediate future. Over the course of the next year, as things get sorted out, you can likely resume your horizon-broadening quests.

Two weeks later, on July 16, a lunar eclipse could shake things up with your siblings and extended family. It dates back to an event or action taking place six months prior, and there’s a somber quality to what’s going on, suggesting that the family member is going through a very challenging time.

It’s important to note that four of the 2019 eclipses occur in either your third or ninth solar houses. With eclipses come blind spots, and falling in these houses, there is an increased risk of accidents. So, when traveling, pay close attention and don’t let activities such listening to headphones, texting and talking on your phone distract you from nearby moving vehicles and obstacles. Multi-tasking is not your friend in 2019!

Get ready to make some material gains from Aug 18 -Oct 3, when Mars travels through the earth sign of Virgo, forming trines with Uranus in Taurus and then Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn, indicating cooperation in business and financial dealings between partners, relatives and even friends in high places.

You might feel the wind go out of your sails in early October. On one hand, your co-ruler, Pluto, comes out of retrograde and starts moving forward on Oct. 2. That about-face usually demands a short period of adjustment. On the other, from Oct. 4 to Nov. 18, Mars enters Libra, the sign of its detriment. Mars doesn’t like being told to play nice with others, especially when “others” might end up being wolves in sheep’s clothing, so watch your back and try to avoid letting your sensitive nature and ravenous appetites get the better of you.

It all comes back around for you from Nov. 19, 2019, to Jan. 4, 2020, when Mars enters Scorpio – you know, your sign – the one it co-rules with Pluto? Here, Mars begins a new two-year cycle. He can operate at peak efficiency, waging war as needed and digging into life’s mysteries. That Mars will be sextile to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, and trine Neptune, helps you know that you have the support of the solar system at your disposal.

The Christmas day solar eclipse takes place once again in your solar third house, stirring up the sibling hive. It looks like you may have another year of imperfect dealings with your extended family, which also happens to coincide with Saturn’s time in the same house. Time to look a little bit deeper into family disfunctions and perhaps write a fix-it manual for that! Jupiter will be on hand to lend some levity and perspective.

Having Mars travel from the two signs it rules, Aries to Scorpio, while co-ruler Pluto lays low and keeps company with conservative Saturn creates a cohesive arc for 2019. From independent actor to intense investigator, you help keep the world the spinning on its axis while finding purpose to your life. But that’s just our little secret. You’ll want to stop by next year to see what 2020 has in store for you.

By Jerre Wroble