There are few things that Taureans prize more than security and material well-being. Unfortunately, due to a veritable tornado of change running through your life these days, those two things may seem endangered. In fact, as Uranus, the planet of plot twists and surprise endings, enters Taurus on March 7, your story will be anything but run of the mill.

So, what is a Taurus to do? Curl up with a blanket and curse their fate? Dig in your heels and try to force things to go back to the way they once were? Or, how about making an effort to learn the new rules and make the best of the situation?

Learning is a big theme in your life right now. With Saturn and Pluto, two of the zodiac’s “bad boys,” currently in your solar ninth house (which rules higher education, philosophy, religion, law, foreign travel and wide-open spaces), it’s nearly impossible for you not to be expanding your world view and sense of higher purpose. These two planets will not let you off the hook nor will they make it a cake walk to achieve that broader perspective.

All you want is a predicable routine in your life, which is why this year opens with a taste of disappointment. Your Ruling Planet, Venus, is in the final degrees of Scorpio after making up for lost time in a retrograde toward the end of 2018. Having your Ruling Planet retrograding and returning in a sign known for intensity and anger means that Venus’s ability to attract – something she is very skilled at – may have been misfiring. She may not like what she attracts, or she may attract what she doesn’t like.

A solar eclipse on Jan. 5 kicks the year off with a sudden journey or back-to-school opportunity. But it could end up being more expensive and/or challenging than you thought it would be. The burden of acquiring a broader perspective makes you question if it is worth it. However, you don’t really have an out, so you need to hang in there, at least for the next six months or so.

It’s not all bad news. On Jan. 8, Venus enters the optimistic fire sign of Sagittarius. You’ll immediately radiate a more jovial attitude. Not only is it a more light-hearted energy, but your Ruling Planet, Venus, will meet up with Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, twice this year, on Jan. 23 and Nov. 24. Both days are considered extremely lucky for you, especially in the realm of other people’s money (the stock market, insurance, inheritances and your partner’s money). Having the Zodiac’s most well-disposed and auspicious planets together in a fire sign offers you hope and optimism.

A lunar eclipse on Jan. 20 has you re-examining your roots and home life, and perhaps the connections you share with your parents or children. You want to make a mark in the world and might be offered a promotion in your career. And it brings up a lot of home-life baggage, as in, can you actually leave your parents at this time? Or maybe they are the ones relocating. You’ve been restless when it comes to your job for some time and this opportunity may feel like it is just what the doctor ordered. However, you need to do some soul-searching to ensure the opportunity is a true step forward, one that rewards you not only financially but also in work/life balance as well as in learning new abilities and skills. And given the amount of change in your life, is it the right time to abandon your roots?

The good news is there are no Venus retrogrades to trip you up in 2019, so it’s a year for you to make steady progress. Does that mean it will be all smooth sailing? With Uranus entering your sign, probably not.

What exactly is this Uranian transit about? You got a little taste of it in 2018 when the planet crossed into your sign on May 15, 2018. It left Taurus temporarily on Nov. 6 as it retrograded back into the fire sign of Aries. That little taste in 2018 likely was enough to turn your world upside down. With Uranus currently retrograde at the beginning of the year, you may have a false hope that things will go back to normal. Instead, Uranus will return to your sign in March, and the big question will be: “Do I stay, or do I go?”

Uranus is “the great awakener,” named after a Greek diety considered to be the god of the sky that ruled over lightning, clouds and rain. In modern times, the planet Uranus is given rulership over electricity, radio waves and the internet. In the seven or so years when Uranus visited Aries, it brought tremendous changes in how we express ourselves, the political landscape and mass communications, sparking social movements such as Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and the Women’s March.

Uranus changing signs is akin to installing a new operating system in your computer, often a source of irritation and inconvenience. “It was working fine before,” you tell yourself. “Why change it now?” But, you are often required to implement the update and then have to get used to the new look and functions. Uranus brings progress, whether you are ready for it or not.

If progress is a good thing, why does Taurus resist it so much? The sign of Taurus is fixed earth. It’s about things you can own such as lands, property, currency, gems and art. It is also the sign of livestock, agriculture, sustenance, self-sufficiency and beauty. It is the stability of Earth to Uranus’s ever-changing sky. As opposites, they’re going to need some time to get used to working together.

Especially in the first quarter of the year, as Uranus is hovering in the final degrees of Aries, you can feel that change is coming, and it could cause you to misbehave, maybe by you clinging to the past or by you sabotaging the agents of change. On Feb. 13, the final Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries might usher in explosive, unexpected developments that could catch you by surprise, such as technological bugs, political upheaval and even revolution.

By March 7, at long last, you will have Uranus as a constant companion in your sign until April 26, 2026. Now is the time to pay attention to the new rules. If you do, you have a chance to benefit from this transit more so than other signs.

How? As an earth sign, you have the benefit of Saturn and Pluto in the complementary earth sign of Capricorn. These two are very interested in making material gains, in having things count for the future. They’re elevated in your chart, in the ninth solar house, which means they can enlarge your outlook through travel, education, law and religion. And a broadened outlook will point you to your higher purpose — what you need to do with your life. While some people experience travel and education as enjoyable pursuits, you might find them as challenging and frustrating, especially in recent years. There might be encounters with demanding professors and school administrators or, if traveling, problematic encounters and logistics. The good news is that you’re paying your dues, and the lessons will stick. It won’t always be like this!

One of the new rules is that there is a major shift in territories is taking place. The last time Uranus was in Taurus was from 1934-1942. During that time, fascism was on the rise and, following a brutal World War II, maps were redrawn that brought Europe together for the first time. In this modern era, maps are also being redrawn because of global warming and physical changes to the environment.

Similarly, on a personal level, the maps in your own life are evolving. The ground rules are changing, and there are shifts in the power dynamics of relationships. It’s important to keep probing as the rules will continue to change, and they are different from what you thought they were.

The summer solar eclipse of July 2 ushers in a taste of homelife. For the next six months, you may experience familial comforts; a nostalgia especially in connection with your siblings. Conversely, the July 16 lunar eclipse looks back six months, asking if your higher purpose or educational pursuits are on shaky ground. Are you looking for reasons to back out of studies or a journey that could enrich your life? You need to investigate your goals. Survey what you want to do, and then do it — without taking the easy way out. Ask yourself if you want the quick solution or if you want to commit to what you want the landscape of your life to look like in the coming years.

This is almost an invitation for why you should go after your dreams. Uranus isn’t really threatening you with change; you’ve already changed. The stability is gone, and now you need to adapt. Even if you go back to the old rules, but commit to learning the new ones, you can get there. The rules, at first, may seem unfamiliar or strange. But live with them, study them and make connections in a new way and you’ll soon find what you need to change about your life.

Given all the Uranian vibrations in your life, you’ll no doubt feel most supported when your Ruling Planet Venus travels through Earth signs, especially from Feb. 4 – March 1 (Venus in Capricorn); March 16-June 8 (Venus in Taurus); Aug. 22 to Sept. 14 (Venus in Virgo) and Nov. 26-Dec. 19, (Venus in Capricorn). These are times where you more easily receive help from others and can make steady progress in attracting what you want.

Conversely, there are times that will feel tense as it seems the rules have changed again, especially around May 19, Aug. 2 and Oct. 7. Things just won’t feel right or won’t fit together like they used to. Sorry to say that you just need to get used to plans falling apart.

But that doesn’t mean it was all for naught. Whatever causes a particular house of cards to fall is actually going to take you to a new equation that is going to work better if you maintain your commitment, creativity and ingenuity. This is a “workshop” year, a time of R&D, experimentation, toying with what works and what doesn’t — without judging it all to be a failure. You’re building a foundation to begin a veritable metamorphosis. You, of all the signs, are on the brink of an astounding evolution. Embrace it.

By Jerre Wroble