Yearly Horoscope: Cancer – 2020

By Jerre Wroble

There comes a time when a colorful leaf high in a tree catches a gust of air; it trembles, rattles and finally lets go. And what a final ride! Freed at last from the limb that possessed it, the one that it clung to for nourishment and sustenance, it wafts in the breeze to land gently upon a colorful carpet of fallen brothers below. From there, it returns to Mother Earth, fodder for next year’s growth.

That’s a seasonal cycle a Child of the Moon can appreciate, and an analogy you could probably apply to your partnerships as of late, those with your spouse, business partner or even a best friend. Actually, the “fall” of your relationship may have begun as early as 2008, when Pluto first entered the sign of Capricorn – opposite of your sign in Cancer. It may have started innocently enough, with someone reaching out for a hand and you leaning in to assist. You may have been oblivious to the “frenemy” you let in the house.

Over the past two years, Saturn – the planet of tests and challenges – upped the ante when he entered the sign of Capricorn, and that’s when things got real. Power trips, hidden agendas and heavy demands might have become the new normal.

In early 2020, Saturn and Pluto will meet up in a much-anticipated January 12 conjunction, hinting that certain relationships have run their course, or that new ones, some with high stakes, may be beginning. Bottom line, for Children of the Moon, it’s a relationship reset, and those born between July 13 and July 15 will feel it most strongly.

Just two days before the conjunction — on Jan. 10, your ruling planet, the Moon, will pass through the Earth’s shadow, and the resulting lunar eclipse in your sign activates the same area of the chart as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.

What the eclipse seems to be asking Moon Children is: Just who are you these days? Is your “ad campaign” still on point? Does your story about who you are match up with what people see when they meet you?

Being a Child of the Moon, your persona is constantly fluctuating, sometimes with each phase of the moon (and there are 28 of those each month!). Your hairstyle, makeup and attire tend to change with your moods. And what message do they send?

The North Node in Cancer (through May 4) suggests that you may have relied too heavily on your relationships, even to the point of losing your identity. You may be even dominated by a spouse, close friend or business partner.

Being your own person scares you, especially if you’ve merged your identity with that of your partner. The true challenge before you is how to be your authentic self while still being open to a relationship. It’s a difficult balance for any one of us, but especially for a Cancer who wants to self-protect and divert attention from her- or himself.

Moon children can easily be underestimated. They’re emotional! Sensitive! Being a cardinal water sign means your emotional life is always churning. But water in motion is nothing to scoff at. A rogue wave can crack the hull of a ship. A tsunami can wipe out entire coastlines of humanity. The ocean’s relentless surf alters shorelines and flowing rivers carve canyons. A Cancer has a vague understanding of this primal power they possess. Others close to you sense it and respect it.

You’re especially drawn to the past, thinking of previous relationships and questioning your mode of behavior that may have undermined them. Is it too much mothering? Or needing to be mothered yourself?  Children of the Moon endlessly seek security, a place of belonging and a family to care for and protect. These intense needs could cause emotional lightweights to head for the hills.

With Mars transiting your solar seventh house from Feb. 17 to March 30, the time might be ripe to cleave off relationships that no longer serve you. Even knowing you’ll be better off if you just “let go” does not make it easy. But, something’s gotta give. This is a watershed year for your partnerships. You’re finally willing to own your part in the dysfunction. And if you’ve avoided being close to anyone at all, you’re at least able to acknowledge the fear and inadequacy that isolate you. You’re getting real about it.

Just know that you have friends in high places (of the planetary kind) who can help.

Jupiter is opposite and will travel through your solar seventh house of partnership for most of 2020. One way of putting it: The student must be ready because the teacher has appeared. Jupiter knows the moral to your story. And he knows that you might learn it best from a cautionary tale.

Jupiter makes three conjunctions to Pluto in 2020, the first on April 4 (then again on June 30 and Nov. 13), which could release some deep dark secrets on both sides of your relationships. And, as they say, the truth will set you free. On the plus side, it bodes well for a lucky break on the financial front. There could be a big payout that’s derived from your partnership. (Just be sure you get what is yours and don’t fall for a partner’s sob story about why they need the money more than you do.)

Know, too, that Neptune in Pisces is rooting for you. The planet representing your deepest yearnings keeps whispering, “Listen to your soul,” urging you to seek a spiritual solution to your troubles. As it slowly moves through your solar ninth house of higher purpose, Neptune could well inspire artistic expression as a means to heal a lifetime of hurt.

The more you broaden your horizons — through travel, higher education and spirituality — the more you realize your own emotional healing comes through helping others. With Chiron, the asteroid symbolizing the “wounded healer,” at the top of your solar chart, you might even be drawn to professions that let you advocate for those who don’t have a voice. Helping others stand up for themselves could become your calling in life.

Uranus in Taurus, the planet of surprises, remains kindly disposed toward Moon Children in 2020. Through Uranus, you’re likely to encounter people of influence and substance who jolt you awake with innovative ideas and methods. Receiving support from this new circle of associates, those you least would have expected to care about your causes, revives your interest in solving humanitarian or societal problems.

You might need your night-vision goggles in June and July to make sense of three summer rapid-fire eclipses. These planetary shadows tend to throw the Children of the Moon and the Sun off their game and obscure things for a short time immediately after — making it difficult to get back to what you were doing. The June 5 full moon eclipse in Sagittarius may spark a shakeup at your workplace or with your daily routines. Think back to early December 2020 for clues as to what might have precipitated the sudden wobble.

The June 21 solar eclipse could inspire dramatic alterations to your appearance, while the July 5 lunar eclipse might, as a last hurrah, dredge up partnership matters. Again.

By now, the intrigues of frenemies should be out in the open, but there remains unfinished business linking back to the beginning of the year related to issues of identity and how yours so often bleeds into your partner’s. As much as you try to be what they want you to be, you can’t quite achieve it, and you both end up disappointed, which is the flavor of this eclipse.

On another front, career matters heat up on June 29, when Mars arrives in Aries (at the top of your solar chart) and activates your 10th house until the end of the year.  A new co-worker or manager could be a burr under your crab shell over the next five months, especially from Sept. 13 through Nov. 13, when Mars is retrograde. Avoid any dealings that put your professional reputation at risk during that time.

And that includes gossiping. A Nov. 30 lunar eclipse could bring up unease as you recall something you might have shared with others six months ago that got misconstrued and caused difficulties for all involved. You’re finding out how idle gossip has caused you undue guilt and anxiety – and these emotions can impact your physical and mental health.

Next up, the Moon will black out the Sun during a total solar eclipse on the Dec. 14. Changes in your workplace or with your health may require a rapid adjustment, such as altering your routines, exercise schedule, work hours or commute to work. A Sagittarius eclipse reminds us of how crucial it is to have a higher purpose and a direction in life. Having that inner fire keeps you healthy.

The good news is that Saturn will have completed his transit of your solar seventh house by Dec. 18, meaning his constant testing of partnerships now ends. You can finally reap his “blessing in disguise,” a more mature and durable relationship, one where you can be equal parts Luna and Looney Tunes in 28 phases and not have to apologize.

Jupiter, too, is ending his dour year toeing the line in Capricorn and is ready to rush headlong into the big-mind thinking and perceptions of Aquarius. This is where, on Dec. 21, the two planets form a rare and potent conjunction – the so-called “Great Conjunction” of 2020.

When they do, the dynamic duo turns your attention to shared resources and investments, whether they be those made with your partner, a brokerage or insurance company. You’ll want to check back here in 2020 to see just how Saturn’s testing and Jupiter’s sense of justice for all will play out in the Water Bearer’s sign.