Yearly Horoscope: Gemini – 2020

By Jerre Wroble

Fear not, Child of Mercury, relief is on its way. The first two weeks of 2020 are likely to be a doozy for you, but they signal the end of an ongoing saga.

So fasten your seat belt and prepare for a dramatic start to the year: As 2020 dawns, Geminis find their ruling planet, Mercury, in the sign of Capricorn, the lead planet in a long line of heavy hitters – you know, your everyday powerbrokers, overachievers and philosophers.

With five planets, the South Node and the asteroid Ceres clumped together in your solar eighth house (which deals with sex, death and other people’s money), you’re no doubt preoccupied handling the demands of the big shots in the house. Pity the fool who comes to you with a sob story right now. Your compassion is in short supply.

While you worry that working with the Capricorn squad could rob you of your soul, it’s a job you can’t seem to refuse. You may see it as proving ground to attract new partnerships and deals, the chance to be privy to things only a privileged few will know or an opportunity to learn how to wield power from the best of ’em.

But just don’t expect it to be a yellow-brick road. You’ll need to keep your wits about you on Jan. 10 when the first eclipse of 2020 — a lunar eclipse (in which the Sun opposes the Moon) — will conjoin Mercury at 20 degrees of Capricorn. Lunar eclipses often refer back to events or decisions made six months prior, so in this case, any partnerships or joint investments that were active in July of 2019 might be called into question. You could feel the floorboards give way under your feet, causing you to cling to things that no longer serve you. Try to resist doing so — you have bigger fish to fry.

Before the dust settles, just two days later, Mercury joins Saturn and Pluto at 22 degrees of Capricorn for their much-anticipated conjunction in your solar 8th house. Frustrations that have long been weighing down your partnerships and joint financial dealings could finally come crashing down in one loud thud, especially those that lacked strong foundations.

The sky seems to fall in the first half of January, and then, poof, on Jan. 17, Mercury moves into Aquarius where it’s a whole new ballgame — well, sort of. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, with air being the operative word. The air element is about relationships, ideas and communication — something Geminis can heartily relate to. But Aquarius is also co-ruled by Saturn, so there may still be some residual kowtowing required to keep the master (Saturn) happy.

Gemini is famous for having dual personalities, one attracted to the dark side, and the other to all things bright, light and fast-moving. During the recent heavy Capricorn transits, you may have had to embrace darkness in order to survive,  but now, it’s time to put on your curious, expressive, comedic face – the one energized by a circle of friends who fill your curious mind with new ideas.

From Jan. 17 through Feb. 3, Aquarius’ group-oriented air energy serves to reignite your purpose. You’re basically at your best when surrounded by people who want to hear your tales and opinions, relying on you as they do for your brilliance, wit, humor and ingenuity. In turn, you gain information and awareness needed to make sense of a multitude of sensory impressions.

You’ll have a second chance to pick up sticks with Aquarius during Mercury’s first retrograde of the year, from Feb. 17  to March 10, when Mercury appears to travel backward in the sky through Pisces in the solar 10th house (symbolizing your professional status), then into the final degrees of Aquarius in your 9th house.

You might encounter a professional hiccup that’s tied to an unresolved legal matter or a university certification required for a job — or just basic confusion about your higher purpose and your goals in life. Remembering what you’re here to do and then getting organized to properly pursue it is what this retrograde is all about.

Helping you to get motivated is Saturn, who on March 22, changes signs and dips his toes into Aquarius. In this air sign, he challenges you to work on behalf of humanity’s wide-ranging needs. Meanwhile, Venus begins a several months-long residency in your sign on April 4. As such, Venus helps attract friends, associates and even siblings to help you get your groove back. The Moon’s north node enters Gemini on May 5, also tending to bring people and opportunities aligned with your destiny. Talk about a breath of fresh air!

From May 12 through May 28, Mercury returns home to Gemini, where, as Ringo Starr once sang, “All I gotta do is act naturally.” For a Gemini, this means to never needing to stop absorbing information. Let’s face it, a throng of people conversing with you helps put you in sync with your environment.

In order to take full advantage of the “big air” emphasis in your life, you’ll need to first tune into your partnerships. A lunar eclipse on June 5 is cause for reflection. Since January’s eclipse pointed to problems with partnership assets, it’s not surprising that this one points to difficulties within the partnership itself. Your mate is just not willing to roll with the punches any longer. The upheavals with joint investments that took place in December 2019 have your partner looking for more stable circumstances.

The fact that this eclipse squares Mars in Pisces suggests a sense of finality and endings – but ultimately, a break of some sort will clear the air. Whether or not the break is permanent remains to be seen.

First, you need to see what’s going on with your finances. During Mercury’s second retrograde of 2020, from June 18-July 13, your ruling planet will spend extra time in your solar second house in the sign of Cancer. Thus, it’s a good time to take stock of where you find your value, especially as it relates to your parents, heritage or family heirlooms that you’re in control of. You might encounter people from your past (including long lost siblings) or bygone familial situations.

In the midst of the retrograde, two eclipses occur in Cancer: A solar eclipse on June 21 and a lunar eclipse on July 5, both of which sound the alarm about personal finances or joint investments. A look back to the preceding January of 2020 could yield clues as to your present predicament.

From Oct. 14 through Nov. 4, Mercury is retrograde for the third time in 2020 (traveling backward through Scorpio, ending in the zodiac’s third air element of Libra). This one places your focus on children or creative projects that you had believed (in error) were well on their way. It doesn’t help that Mars (as the co-ruler of Scorpio) is also retrograde in Aries. As with all the backward motion, issues from the past get a second wind, forcing you to return, revisit, reconsider, repair and resubmit.

The year’s final two eclipses (a lunar one on Nov. 30 in Gemini and solar on Dec. 14 in Sagittarius) drill down into partnership matters. If you’re in a relationship, the eclipses ask what you as a restless, erratic soul are doing to stay connected to your partner; if you’re sans partner, they ask just what it will take for you to be willing to fully commit to one.

A younger Gemini needs time and maturity (and the influence of Saturn) to get it together. A more mature Gemini is aware of the need to integrate their dual nature, which essentially is their ego and their yearning for spirituality.

They think if they found the perfect best friend/lover/confidante, they can merge their two personalities. It doesn’t work that because, in the end, they need to go within and make it happen at the soul level.

But until they can understand this piece, it doesn’t hurt if the focus on their partnerships. It’s actually a great way to start the process as long as they don’t get bogged down trying to fix their partners. They’re unfixable. But you, on the other hand, are a many splendored thing.