Yearly Horoscope: Pisces – 2020

By Jerre Wroble

After your healing journey of 2019, the year 2020 opens to find Children of Neptune attuned to new vibrations whistling on the wind.

Neptune, the planet of what we yearn for, has been meandering slowly through its own Piscean waters since February of 2012. In that time, you’ve been weaving back and forth between massive downloads of spiritual awareness as well as painful reality checks filled with disillusionment. In that time, you’ve experienced Neptune’s slow “dissolve” of the people, places and things in your life, including that of your own identity. Every day, it seems, you wake up to a new you.

With each wave breaking on the shore, Neptune reorganizes the grains of sand to sculpt a new shoreline, often leaving you melancholy or, other times, in touch with the divine.

Neptune’s slow movement though your sign comes with an intense need for inspiration, yes, but lacking that, then escape and numbness will do. Hence, Children of Neptune have been dealing with varying degrees of addictive or compulsive behaviors.

Emotional riptides are Pisces’ stock in trade. As the 12th sign of the zodiac — the one that marks the end of winter — Pisces must always adapt to the circumstances that came before. Was it a harsh winter? Did people suffer through it? Were there bumps in the road that no one saw coming? Pisces is there to pick up the pieces. Out of necessity, Children of Neptune are more flexible and malleable, and, above all, more compassionate. They know that good (and bad) times come to an end, so they await a new chapter, and they dream of better days to come.

In 2020, as you mourn the loss of what previously defined and described your life, you are lifted by something that seems like “hope” ebbing into human consciousness. Pisces see the potential in everything. Aspirations are bubbling up, and you feel motivated by them. For that faith in the future, you can thank your other co-ruler: Jupiter, the planet of higher purpose.

As more and more good things start to show up in your life, you begin to toy with the idea that the universe might actually be on your side. Those who share that belief feel drawn to civic involvement, ethical leadership and moral institutions – all the things that Jupiter rules. In this way, the planet known for parables and morality tales not only brings good fortune but expands your world view.

Last year, Jupiter was in the other sign it rules, Sagittarius. In that energy, it could easily and abundantly deliver the blessings you required. But it had to slow its roll on Dec. 3, when it entered Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign where Jupiter is said to be in its “fall.”

On Dec. 15 of last year, Jupiter trined the planet of surprises, Uranus, which was in the early degrees of Taurus in your solar third house (Jupiter was in your solar 11th).These two placements set the stage for an “earth disruption” in 2020.  On Dec. 26, Jupiter was not only conjoined by the Sun but became part of Dec. 26 solar eclipse in Capricorn, (that also involved the South Node). Talk about a star-studded event!  Issues from the near past may have reared their heads, requiring for a rapid adjustment or “lane change” that might have ultimately changed your destination.

After things got off to a rousing start in Capricorn, Jupiter now has rules to follow and objectives to achieve. It’s still delivering good fortune, but not in its usual customary style. And benefits come as a result of potentially negative events or challenging circumstances.

As Jupiter spend a little over one year in this sign (until Dec. 19, 2020), you may be forced to buck up and follow a prescribed regimen in that time. What’s going on in the world seems serious, especially for the first three months of 2020, and you may be asked to fall in line to ensure the best outcome for you and everyone involved.

Yet, through it all, Jupiter’s cautious optimism fills your solar 11th house — the house of friends, colleagues, hopes and wishes as well as community groups for hobbies, political views, the arts, charities and causes, and more.

With Capricorn on the cusp of this house, you most likely resist joining; you’re probably careful and deliberate about social engagements. You weigh the time commitment and financial investment, for starters. You prefer to test the waters and check out the “vibes” of the group. You may claim to have only a select group of friends, or perhaps just the friends that go back to your childhood. Capricorn here can also mean older friends, those who are needy and/or demanding or even fair-weather friends who seek to take advantage of you.

Despite the challenges it poses, this is the house for collaboration and sharing dreams with others, where you float ideas and speak freely, bouncing thoughts off one another. This elevated space is where you and your friends can view your aspirations. It’s also a place of compassion from which to help the less fortunate.

You may have experienced friendship failures for various reason since late 2017. That’s because Saturn, the planet that rules Capricorn, also began traveling through the 11th house just ahead of Jupiter. While Saturn is here, the ringed planet tests everything you think you know about friendship, including your ability to discern a good friend as well as your own authenticity and trustworthiness as a friend. Maybe you’ve moved to a new city or changed political or religious beliefs. As such, you could be due for a complete overhaul of your social circle.

Saturn is joined by Pluto, the planet of obsession and transformation, which has added a level of intensity to 11th house affairs since 2008. Some interactions with friends/groups have been the source of agitation and overwhelm for more than a year. The issue may have come to a head on Jan 12, when Saturn and Pluto formed a conjunction. At that point, you could likely have some clarity as to the motives of those involved because their plans will be evident to all.

If a colleague let you down, it’s best to let go of anger, pain, grief and move on, offering some of that famous Piscean forgiveness you’re famous for. Some form of sacrifice might be required. Perhaps you have to let go of something you take great pride in overseeing or being involved in and let others contribute their ideas. In this house, especially, it’s best to take the high road and pay it forward whenever possible.

It’s also a good time for you to clear the decks because on Feb. 20, you’ll enjoy the first of two sextiles that include both your co-rulers (the date for the second sextile is October 12). Having Team “Jupitune” or “Nepiter” working on your behalf puts you in prime position to reap rewards. Sextiles are about being open to new connections that can lead to big breaks. Each planet brings something to the table, creating a dynamic energy blend that’s attractive to potential partners, friends or romantic interests, those who can help you to realize your dreams.

But Jupiter is not finished making connections yet. In 2020, your co-ruler will join forces with Pluto in Capricorn, with three conjunctions in your solar 11th house of friendships, and the first “meetup” taking place on April 4. It’s notable that Jupiter last teamed up with Pluto in 2007 during the Great Recession. So, it’s likely this event may be tied to the economic forces affecting the world.

While Saturn rules Capricorn, at the time of this conjunction, the ringed planet has just temporarily “left the building” and dipped its toes into the early degrees of Aquarius, a fixed air sign. Thus, a pairing of Jupiter and Pluto might suggest that you’re part of a group endeavor in scientific research or in the financial/business sector that’s reliant on government assistance or funding.

In whatever way you define success at this time, there is a sense that you can achieve something of greatness this year.  But there are still two conjunctions to go, so this may just be the first step of several others needed to get the ball rolling.

Soon after, on May 15, your co-ruler Jupiter goes retrograde in Capricorn — meaning it appears to move backward in the sky — until Sept. 13. The slowed momentum means you’ll have time to take stock of economic trends and your own finances, plus glean any missed opportunities of the first five months of 2020.

On June 23, it’s Neptune turn to turn around and head backward in your solar first house of identify. Neptune will revisit the ground he’s already covered, dredging up issues of how you present yourself in the world. Your Piscean “glamour” might need to be checked or you could feel the need to avoid the spotlight. Neptune’s slow backward motion continues until Nov. 29, at times revealing some of those harsh realities that Children of Neptune prefer to remain oblivious to. You might have to pay attention to your body – your head and face especially – as unhealthy habits could be taking a toll.

Pluto and Jupiter will meet up again on June 30, this time with both planets in retrograde, suggesting that a retreat or period of reflection is needed to reassess the situation begun in April. With Pluto in the mix, things likely are not what they seem. There could be undercurrents and hidden hands involved. You may play an important role in seeing the big picture and helping guide those involved, and society at large, toward a better outcome.

Your co-ruler, Jupiter, goes direct in Capricorn on Sept. 13 and starts moving in forward motion. Between now and mid-December, you may reap some significant financial dividends if you haven’t begun to already.

On Oct. 12, Jupiter and Neptune form their second sextile of the year in Capricorn, again serving to create a beacon to attract the right people to help guide your aspirations and visions into reality.

The third and final time the Jupiter and Pluto meet, on Nov. 12, they are both in direct motion, meaning that what was begin in early April may now be in full force. Your group involvement could have put you in touch with world leaders or captains of industry, or at least with powerful social movements.

Even being involved at the level of local politics could be a rewarding outlet for you, especially after Neptune completes its retrograde on Nov. 29 and begins forward motion in your first house of identity and appearance. Creativity tends to pour forth from you, and your charisma shines.

The final month of 2020 will be a big one for Pisces. Jupiter leaves Capricorn on Dec. 19 and moves into Aquarius. That also puts your co-ruler on the cusp of your solar 12th house, a placement that comes with a feared reputation for self-undoing and secret enemies.

Your co-ruler, Jupiter, assures that it will serve your higher purpose to experience the lessons of the 12th. Jupiter also affords you protection and understanding while you delve into the house’s mysteries. Here you might be a symbol of hope, especially for those set apart from society, such as in hospitals and prisons.

It’s not a play date for Pisces when Jupiter conjoins Saturn on Dec. 21, forming what’s known as the Great Conjunction, a greatly anticipated pairing in the astrological world.

That they team up in your karmic 12th house and in Aquarius — the sign of the freedom-loving, free-thinking, fair-minded, humanitarian revolutionary — should give you a hint of what lies ahead. Saturn is said to be “in his joy” in the 12th house, which means he’s able to test and taunt you in the far reaches of your imagination. But for Year One, at least, you’ll have a world-class ally in the form of Jupiter who’ll show you the ropes.

You’ll want to check back here to see what 2021 holds for you.