Yearly Horoscope: Aquarius – 2021

You begin the year with Saturn in your own sign. This is a huge relief as Saturn has been cohabitating with Pluto in your solar 12th house. This is a difficult house in Astrology because this is where you struggle with inner demons and self sabotaging patterns. These often include addictive tendencies, skeletons in the family closet, or bouts of depression. These aren’t easy things for you to admit, but if anyone can face difficult truths and take right action, it’s you. The good news is that while the last few years have been hell, you’re still standing! With Saturn now in your solar 1st house of identity and self, you’re finally coming into your own. You’re being recognized for your hard work and abilities and may even be seen as an authority figure. Additionally, Jupiter is also in Aquarius, bringing more opportunities to you. While this is beneficial, it also means more responsibilities. This could be regarding your job, in an organization you’re part of, or in your family.

While new horizons beckon, that doesn’t mean you won’t be faced with tests or surprises. Especially on February 17th when Saturn squares Uranus, you may deal with challenges regarding home. This is a time when you’re faced with the question of whether you want to stay or go or if you want things to stay the same or change. Are you happy with where you are or is it time to try something new? As a sign famous for being revolutionary, this time you are the one resisting change and it’s other people are pushing you to take the next step. Maybe your partner wants to talk about moving in together or making long term plans. Perhaps you’re ready to live in a new place, but it feels like too much effort to move or you’re not sure how it could work with responsibilities you have. The developments that are underway may feel like you’re standing on shaky ground, but the good news is that you’ll have time to negotiate and decide what’s right for you.

March 21st brings opportunities for teaching when Saturn trines Mars in Gemini. As an intellectual, you’re already adept at breaking down complicated concepts. This is a good time to mentor young kids or teach a community class on something you love. You may also be inspired to help a youth develop their potential or come to the aid of a friend struggling with inner demons, having just been down the same road yourself. This aspect will give you the patience and stamina to persevere and the confidence to give sound advice. Make sure to ask before giving guidance that is unsolicited. While you have wisdom to offer, it’s more likely to be accepted if the other party wants to hear it.

April 25th denotes conflict with family members when Saturn squares Mercury and Venus in Taurus. With these two planets in your solar 4th house, the disagreement may be over some relatives not keeping their promises. Perhaps you’re sharing the duty of caring for an aging parent, but your sibling hasn’t been contributing their time equally. Maybe you co-financed property with them and you’re finding out they’re bad with money. With Saturn now in your sign, you’ve been busy and hardly have time to pick up someone else’s slack. You can manage your stress levels by keeping others accountable and setting boundaries with what you can give of your time and resources.

Saturn trines Venus in Gemini on May 19th in the part of your solar chart pertaining to creativity and the arts. This coincides with Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces. These aspects indicate a time when your creative talents will prove profitable. As an Aquarius, you’re already inventive and original because Uranus is your modern ruler. This is a time where you may get recognition for a hobby. You’re not used to being in the spotlight, however, part of coming into your own means getting acknowledged for your gifts. Own the attention instead of pushing it away. Maybe you sell a painting or get a paid gig doing the thing you love. With May 26th’s Eclipse happening in your solar 11th house, it could be that you meet a rich benefactor or someone with influence who becomes your biggest fan and promotes your work. While this is encouraging, Jupiter is only here for three months before it heads back into Aquarius. This indicates that it is still too early for you to expect consistent returns from your passion. Afterall, the apple tree needs to grow first before you can pick the apples. The beginning of 2022 will be the time to really put your shoulder to the wheel.

There’s another Saturn Uranus square on June 14th, highlighting the tensions between you and your family. You might need to revisit some of those agreements you made with your sibling because they’re just not proving feasible. Or perhaps your parents don’t want you to move away because they’ve come to rely on you. This could have you even more hesitant to leave, making the cons seem much larger than the pros. While you’re intrigued by new scenery, you’ve invested so much where you are. It could also be that a parent starts another mid-life crisis and you’re having to be the voice of reason. If this is the case, don’t interfere with their exploration, but encourage them to not impulsively give up the infrastructure they’ve spent their life building.

July 1st through August 2nd indicates a time of conflict in your relationships, either with a significant other or with a business partner. Maybe you’ve been putting in a lot of effort into the business while your partner hasn’t. Perhaps your loved one is having good fortune while you’re overwhelmed with extra work. It could be that they want to talk about making long-term plans with you again, but you’re not ready. Your fear or hesitancy to commit may frustrate them, but thankfully there’s nothing that new sights can’t help solve. September 4th brings an opportunity to travel abroad with your lover, giving you quality time together and a chance to talk about your future.

November 10th brings a shake-up in your career when Saturn squares Mars and Mercury in Scorpio. Perhaps you’re having to move to a different department in the company, upsetting your work routine. Maybe you’ve gotten as far as you can go in your field and you’re waiting to be fired or bought out. As a fixed sign, transitions are hard for you. Think of this turn of events as an opportunity to go after what it is you really want. With an Eclipse happening in your solar 4th house about a week later, it might be that you’re asked to relocate, which would give you the fresh air you’ve been seeking. Could the city they’re asking you to move to be somewhere you’d want to go anyways? This is a time to think about the sacrifices you’re willing to make and if the benefits outweigh the costs.

December 24th brings a final square between Saturn and Uranus, indicating that the time has come to make a decision about whether you stay where you are or venture into new territory. A main reason you’ve been reluctant to move is because you’ve finally established yourself and have found meaning in your responsibilities. While new places may seem alluring, Saturn promises satisfaction over time if you stay. Another possibility is that this shake-up has more to do with your relationship. Do you finally take things to the next step or go your separate ways? Maybe your reluctance has more to do with doubt than with not being ready. Perhaps you’re questioning whether you and your partner are a good fit. As a fixed sign, once you’ve made up your mind, it’s hard to change it. Because of this, you’re cautious to commit, knowing that when you do, it’s for good. In addition your perfectionism can have you fearful of making the wrong decision. However, there’s only so much we can know before we must step out on a limb and trust. Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces on December 28th suggests positive results for those who are willing to take a leap of faith.