Yearly Horoscope: Capricorn – 2021

Saturn in Capricorn for the past two and a half years has been a time of responsibility, diligence, and hard work. Having Saturn in one’s own sign is challenging, but thankfully as a Capricorn, you’ve been able to work with it constructively. You’ve had to overcome trials and tribulations in relationships, work extra hard resolving issues at home, and learn that what’s worth pursuing takes time to see results. Used to relying on yourself, Saturn moving into an Air sign means working collaboratively with others in inventive ways for the next two and a half years. Capricorn is all about tradition while Aquarius is all about innovation. You’ll need to accept change and adapt to new ways of doing things. Since this is happening in the part of your solar chart pertaining to finances, the way you make money will shift. And with Jupiter in Aquarius as well this year, these transitions will likely be beneficial. Expect an influx of new people who show you how to become more tech savvy, update your business, or enter a new market. Maybe you meet someone who shows you how to use social media effectively or you start a new business with a group of friends. February 6th is an excellent time to make a long term investment with Venus conjoining Saturn.

While exciting changes are underway regarding how you make money, there will also be unexpected surprises and challenges, with Uranus squaring Saturn at various times throughout the year. The first meeting of these two planets occurs on February 17th. Uranus is in the part of your solar chart pertaining to children, romance, and pleasures. Maybe you have a surprising expense regarding your kid. It could be that a creative idea for your business falls short and needs rethinking. Maybe you didn’t realize there was such a big learning curve on the new technology or how expensive upgrading your equipment would be. Make sure that you don’t try and solve these problems alone. As a Saturn-ruled sign, you tend to think that you’re on your own and that you need to overcome obstacles by yourself. While that may have been true, this year you’re surrounded by people with knowledge and experience who want to help. What you don’t know, others might.

As a Capricorn, you are reliable and responsible, making you a valuable employee. Capricorn is represented by the goat, an animal that never stops climbing. It’s in your nature to rise to the top, no matter how long or how much effort it takes. However, you’re not going to make it to the top if you don’t take care of your vessel or have a way to release steam. From March 5th to April 23rd, Mars is traveling through the part of your chart pertaining to health and routine.This would be a good time to start paying for a membership to the gym or hire a personal trainer. As a Saturn-ruled sign, dedication and commitment are second nature to you. Once you begin a workout routine, chances are you’ll stick with it, knowing that the outcome you’re looking for will come with time and application.

April 25th brings setbacks regarding romance when Saturn squares both Mercury and Venus in Taurus. Perhaps the person you’ve been dating isn’t meeting your expectations of what you want in a partner. Maybe they aren’t as ambitious as you or spend money more freely. As a frugal sign used to living with less, you can be judgmental when others treat themselves to what you consider frivolities. Be careful of being too hard on others. Sometimes your high standards and expectation of perfection can make the people you love feel like they’ll never be good enough. Besides, having a partner with differing qualities may be healthy for you. Otherwise, you’d never be challenged to change or grow. May 19th is a good time to talk things out when Saturn trines Venus in Gemini.

There is a Lunar Eclipse on May 26th in the part of your solar chart pertaining to secrets and self sabotage. Eclipses indicate change that will occur over the following year. This coincides with another Saturn Uranus square, suggesting that something that was previously hidden is suddenly revealed. Especially from July 1st – August 2nd, you may find that someone close to you reaches out to you for monetary support. As a sign that denotes the beginning of winter, you are always prepared for the worst, knowing that it is a long while until the bounty of Spring is here again. Because of this, you may feel obliged to help, especially as a sign who has faced many difficulties. However, stinginess may get in the way of lending a hand. This could come from an outdated sense of scarcity from a time in your life when you didn’t have enough. Or maybe you feel bitter about being asked for help. After all, you’ve had to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, so why can’t they? This thought brings tremendous guilt however, since you’re used to feeling responsible for others. Use your skill of planning to set up an agreement for repayment or reciprocity in some other form. With Jupiter currently transiting your solar 2nd house of finances, what you lend, you won’t be lacking for long.

August 23rd brings opportunities to connect with people who can open doors for you when Saturn trines Venus in Libra. This could look like finding a new crowd to associate with or utilizing an up-and-coming social networking tactic. Come September 29th, your efforts will have paid off when Saturn trines the Sun in Libra. Perhaps you get a different clientele or gain financial backing from someone wealthy. As a Capricorn, it’s in your nature to rise to the top, but it’s much less difficult when we collaborate with others.

On November 10th, Mercury and Mars square Saturn, indicating tensions among those you’ve been collaborating with since the Winter. You’ve had to adapt to new ways of thinking and adjust to working with others. While two heads together are better than one, working with others has also meant compromising and making decisions as a team. As a sign used to being in charge and acting alone, you could fall back into the pattern of assuming leadership and telling people what to do, which may not bode well with others. Or maybe someone you’re working with has different ideas regarding the future of your partnership than you do. You’re feeling successful now, having reaped the rewards of others’ knowledge and talents. But you can’t simply go back to the way things were before. Collaborating isn’t a means to an end and the people you’ve been working with didn’t do it just for you.The way forward is to let others have input, listen instead of directing, and be open to new ideas. You may find that you’re actually excited about them. November 30th is a good time to get on the same page regarding the purpose of the project so that you can all benefit.

December 24th brings a final square between Saturn and Uranus. Instead of relying on how you’ve always done things, you’ve had to step outside of the box this year regarding how you make your income. This has been through working with others, upgrading your equipment, and learning how to use it. While at first, these changes were too quick for you to keep up with, making you feel like you were behind or weren’t up to par, you’re finally feeling more confident in the new skills you’ve acquired. This transit, however, tests these abilities once more. There could be one more irritating snag with your new tech hardware, forcing you to troubleshoot or ask for help again. Perhaps you discover that you butt heads a little with someone you’re working with and need to strategize how to better communicate. Although the changes you’ve had to adjust to and the relationships you’ve navigated have been difficult, you may find that you like the new direction you’re headed. What’s more, this year you’ve learned one of the most important lessons of all- that when we put our heads together, we can come up with more creative solutions than we could otherwise. And when we encounter adversity, we can get through them better together than alone.