Yearly Horoscope: Libra – 2021


You begin the year with Jupiter and Saturn having just entered Aquarius in your solar 5th house of children, romance, arts, and entertainments. Saturn is about rules and Jupiter is about bending them. As a sign concerned with law and order as well as the finer things in life, this planetary transition is not only familiar, but a huge sigh of relief. For the past year, you’ve been dealing with these two planets squaring your natal Sun, bringing tests, trials, and misfortune to the area of home, family, and property. Now that they’ve moved into another air sign, you’ll not only begin to see the benefits of the hard work you put in, but good fortune will be back on your side. This is a year about pleasure, creativity, and having fun while staying within the lines. If you have children, it could indicate a significant shift for them, whether it’s potty training, going to a new school, changing careers, or getting married. In addition, Mars is finishing up a 6 month period in your solar 7th house of partnerships, which has brought strife and unruly behavior from others to say the least. As a sign about relationships and diplomacy, this has tested your capacity for conflict and your ability to stick to good manners. While seeing others’ perspective is a natural skill of yours, you’re not always the best at standing your ground for fear of losing the peace. This past year has taught you how to stick to your boundaries and learn how to express anger, something you’re not comfortable with. Thankfully, relationships will finally start to make sense again and the work you’ve put in will begin to pay off.

January 8th – 13th indicates a pleasant time on the homefront or with family when Venus in your solar 4th house forms a trine to Mars and Uranus in Taurus. After having been through major ordeals and transformations in this area of life over the past few years, this is a time of enjoying your home and benefitting from the effort you’ve put in. It could be that you finally sell property you’ve had on the market and get more for it than you expected. Perhaps you redecorate your house, making it more beautiful and comfortable than before. Enjoy these payoffs while you can because come February 6th Venus conjoins Saturn in Aquarius and squares Uranus, bringing unexpected difficulties around the topics of debt and shared resources. As a sign used to the finer things in life, it’s easy for you to justify spending more for the sake of quality. And especially since Venus is traveling through your solar 5th house, you’ll want whatever shiny thing that catches your eye. However, with Venus conjoining Saturn, there may be consequences for indulging. Make sure to stay within your limits by creating a budget. It could also be that a spouse discovers a surprise expense and needs to get on a payment plan. Or maybe your partner wants to get more experimental in the bedroom, but you aren’t in the mood unless certain conditions are met, such as receiving a massage beforehand. Uranus wants novelty, but Saturn says that conditions apply.

Venus in Pisces indicates rewards at work. As a relational sign, you work hard to make sure everyone’s point of view is considered and heard. Come March 13th, you’ll be recognized for your efforts through a bonus, a prize, or maybe a surprise work party in your favor. Although this is happening in the part of your solar chart pertaining to work and service, Venus in Pisces is more about kicking back and relaxing. Soak it in while you can because by March 21st when Venus enters Aries, you’ll have to have what feels like a seasoned uncomfortable talk with a partner or someone close to you. It’s time to get to the bottom of what’s ailing in your relationships. Thankfully, Venus forms supportive sextiles to Saturn and Jupiter, indicating that these conversations will go smoothly. Maybe you feel like you’ve been the only one laying down the law with regards to your children and you need more support. Perhaps you discuss with your partner conditions for loaning your children money. Or, it could be that you want to have more fun together and need to talk about what that would look like.

Venus conjunct Uranus on April 22nd brings back up the challenges around debt and partner’s money that you experienced in the Winter. This time, however, with Venus in her own sign of Taurus, the changes are to your benefit. It could be that your partner finishes paying off their debt, getting you both out of the hole. Perhaps at last you’re free from financial dependency on your parents or your ex-spouse. Maybe you finally receive a check from the government you were owed from being unemployed due to Covid-19. Whatever the change is, it will free you from a sense of restraint you felt before. If you don’t experience the shift, it could be that your child does when they get that scholarship they applied for or they inherit money from a long lost great aunt. After all, Uranus is traveling through the part of your solar chart pertaining to death and other peoples’ money.

June 10th’s Eclipse in your solar 9th house brings positive shifts regarding travel and higher learning. This happens while Venus in your solar 10th house of career forms a sextile to Uranus a few days later, indicating surprises that are favorable. Maybe you’re asked to start traveling for work or perhaps the company you work for wants to pay for you to get additional training, opening more windows of opportunity. Be sure to read the fine print of whatever contract you sign. Mercury, planet of communication, is conjoined with the Eclipse while squaring Neptune, suggesting that not everything is as they appear.

July 6th – 8th indicates tensions or upsets with friends or a group you’re part of. With Venus conjoining Mars in Leo, maybe there’s a competition about who’s in charge of the pack. Leo is the sign of kings and Mars wants to be first. Or, perhaps there’s differing opinions as to the organization’s purpose resulting in some members wanting to go separate ways. As a Venus-ruled sign, you’ll do everything you can to keep the peace, which you usually do by playing the mediator. Be mindful of not getting overly involved, however, as you can sometimes lose yourself in the concerns of others. In fact, this is one of the primary ways that you self-sabotage, which is likely to happen with Venus in Virgo from July 21st – August 11th. Virgo wants to serve and Venus wants to unite. Be mindful of playing the martyr or doing the dirty work for the sake of connection as this could be a time period where you’re taken advantage of. Be especially careful on August 9th when Venus opposes foggy Neptune. You might meet someone, thinking they’re the one without further discernment. Or, maybe you fall for someone who’s unavailable and decide to go after them anyways. Perhaps you throw yourself under the bus so that a co-worker doesn’t have to take the hit for something they did.

Venus in Libra come August 16th is a time where you can put your best face forward again. With this happening in your solar first house of self and body, it’s time to make yourself more appealing than you were before, whether it’s with a fresh haircut, a makeover, or new clothes. Venus attracts and so do you, especially when you remember your value. Even when you lay down the law, as you’re apt to do, you do so with such skill that others feel like it was their idea and go easily along with what you say. August 23rd is particularly auspicious for creating new rules for your kids or starting a new hobby. Whatever changes are made will stick with Venus trining committed Saturn. September 6th is especially lovely. If you’re single, you may meet a new romantic interest or be the apple of someone else’s eye. Otherwise, it would be a great time to plan a celebration, attend a fun event, and enjoy yourself.

September 17th – 23rd brings unexpected challenges regarding your finances when Venus squares Saturn and then opposes Uranus while in Scorpio. Scorpio is a sign often associated with scarcity because it’s the time of year when the harvest has ended, leaving the Scorpio empty handed. Similarly, your pocketbook may feel lighter than you’d like during Venus’s stay here. Maybe you had a little too much fun in September and spent more money than you had. Perhaps you invested money into something that is losing value or you made a bad trade in the stock market and are experiencing the costs. It could be that your kid has an unexpected expense and is begging you for financial support. Just because you feel like you don’t have enough, doesn’t mean that’s really the case. October 2nd brings a positive end to the matter when Venus sextiles Pluto in your solar 4th house. Maybe your kid gets a job, letting you off the hook, or another investment pulls through to save the day.

The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th invites you to think about the possibilities around learning and communication. As an air sign, not only are you an intellectual, but building bridges with others is second nature to you. And what is especially unique about you is your consideration of and interest in other people. Etiquette and tact are strengths of yours that make others feel good. With this Eclipse, ask yourself how you can take these talents one step further by inspiring others or bringing a new perspective of hope through your words. Inquire into what feels exciting to learn about. Maybe you begin a new course you’ve always wanted to take, or perhaps you become intrigued by poetry, whether through writing or spoken word. It could be that a brother or sister begin a new venture, with this happening in the part of your solar chart pertaining to siblings. Whatever it is, Sagittarius reminds us to enjoy the journey more than the destination and that ultimately, life is an adventure.